Share your data in the Investment Metrics Global Database

The rapidly growing Investment Metrics Global Database contains asset manager profiles from 2,500+ firms, on 68,000+ products, across 380+ peer groups and 5,400+ benchmarks. Gain greater exposure to leading investment consultants and asset owners who are leveraging that data to perform robust manager due diligence and reporting.

Gain exposure to investors and advisors

  • ~60% of the top 80 investment consultants are our clients
  • Our asset allocator clients represent 75% of the total institutional retirement AUA
  • Widely used by decision makers from both research and reporting teams

Automate your Data Distribution with APX Stream

  • Submit your data once and have it populated across up to 50+ industry databases
  • Efficiently assemble, verify, distribute and manage all of your investment data in the easy-to-use DataDrive